About BOI

Questions and Answers related to filing the BOIR with FinCEN.


1. What is the BOI report?

The BOI (Beneficial Ownership Information) report mandated by FinCEN (Financial Crimes Enforcement Network) is a regulatory requirement aimed at gathering information about the beneficial owners of legal entities, such as corporations or LLCs, to combat money laundering, terrorism financing, and other financial crimes.

2. Who is required to submit the BOI report?

The law that created the BOI report (commonly referred to as “CTA” or the “Corporate Transparency Act”) primarily targets smaller corporations, LLCs (Limited Liability Companies), and other similar entities that are created or registered to do business in the United States. If your company has fewer than 20 full-time employees or earns less than $5 million in annual revenue you may need to file.

3. What information is reported?

The BOI report typically requires information about the “beneficial owners” of the entity, including their names, addresses, dates of birth, and other identifying information such as a driver’s license or a passport.

4. What is a “beneficial owner”?

A beneficial owner is anyone who owns or controls at least 25% of the company OR exercises substantial control over the company. If the individual is a senior officer, has the authority to appoint or remove officers, is an important decision maker or exercises any other form of substantial control, they are deemed to have substantial control and will need to be listed on the form as well.

5. When is the deadline for submitting the BOI report?

There are three different groups with a different reporting deadline for each:

  1. The company was formed prior to January 1st, 2024 - Deadline to file is January 1st, 2025

  2. The company was formed during calendar year 2024 - Deadline to file is 90 days after the company was formed

  3. The company was formed during calendar year 2025 and beyond - Deadline to file is 30 days after the company was formed

6. How does the BOI report help in combating financial crimes?

By collecting information about the beneficial owners of legal entities, the BOI report enhances transparency and accountability in the financial system, making it more difficult for criminals to hide illicit funds or conduct illegal activities anonymously.

7. What are the consequences of non-compliance with the BOI report mandate?

Non-compliance with the BOI report mandate can result in severe penalties including civil penalties of up to $500 for each day that the violation continues or criminal penalties including imprisonment for up to two years and/or a fine of up to $10,000. Senior officers of an entity that fails to file a required BOI report may be held accountable for that failure.

8. Are there any exemptions or exceptions to the BOI report requirement?

Entities from 23 different industries may be exempt from the filing requirement. These industries include:

  1. Securities reporting issuers

  2. Government authorities

  3. Banks

  4. Credit Unions

  5. Depository institution holding companies

  6. Money services businesses

  7. Brokers or dealers in securities

  8. Securities exchanges or clearing agencies

  9. Exchange Act registered entities

  10. Investment companies and investment advisers

  11. Venture capital fund advisers

  12. Insurance companies

  13. State-licenses insurance producers

  14. Commodity Exchange Act registered entities

  15. Accounting firms

  16. Public Utilities

  17. Financial market utilities

  18. Pooled investment vehicles

  19. Tax-exempt entities

  20. Entities assisting a tax-exempt entity

  21. Large operating companies (more than 20 employees employed in the U.S., a physical office within the U.S., $5,000,000 or more in annual sales within the U.S.)

  22. Subsidiaries of certain exempt entities

  23. Inactive entities

9. Are there any ongoing compliance requirements?

If any of the required information on the report changes - including addresses of the company or its beneficial owners, driver’s license or passport information for the beneficial owners, etc. - the reporting entity must submit a report within 30 days of the change taking place.

10. Where can I find more information about the BOI report and its requirements?

If you have additional questions reach out - we have BOI experts ready to help you stay compliant with the BOI requirements.

Remember: Compliance with regulatory requirements, such as the BOI report mandated by FinCEN, is essential for maintaining the integrity of the financial system and safeguarding against illicit activities. Stay informed, stay compliant!